(In)Complete List of Quest Choice Results (Major, major spoilers!) (2024)

Tired of agonizing over an undoable choice that could potentially ruin your character that you've spent hours and hours on? Let's make a list of all the choices and their outcomes, so we know for the future, and others who are struggling have some information to help them make an informed choice!

Feel free to post your experiences, and over time I'll add them to the main post, and hopefully we'll eventually have a well-rounded guide drawn up.

I've added a table of contents to keep it a bit clearer and to at a glance show what is complete.

Table of Contents:

Stross M'Kai

Like Moths to a Candle (Stross M'Kai) – Both Choices' Short-term Results


Tormented Souls (Betnihk) – First Choice's Short-term Results
Daughter of the Seamount (Betnihk) – Second Choice's Short-term Results
Carzog's Demise (Betnihk) – Second Choice's Short-term Results


Legacy of Baelborne Rock (Glenumbra) – First Choice's Short-term Results
A Mysterious Curio (Glenumbra) – Second Choice's Short-term Results


Revenge Against Rama (Stormhaven) – First Choice's Short-term Results


Under Siege – Both Choices' Short-term Results, Second Choice's Longterm Results
The Blood-Splattered Shield – Second Choice's Short-term Results

Stross M'Kai
Like Moths to a Candle (Stross M'Kai)

Context: At the end of the quest, Lerisa has sneaked into Captain Helane's cabin, posing as her abused cabin girl, and poisoned Helane with the captain's own poison, a particularly brutal concoction that will eat her from the inside out, leading to a slow, painful, gruesome death. Helane stumbles, falls to the floor, and begins writhing as her eyes go blank.

Choice 1: Give Helane the Antidote.
Short-term Effect: After giving Helane the antidote, interacting with her states <Her struggles ease as the antidote quickly takes effect. She will likely live.> followed by <Captain Helane is unconscious but still breathing.> Crafty Lerisa will berate you, warning you she'll shipwreck and kill again, but that at least Helane won't mess with Lerisa again.

Choice 2: Leave (Let Helane Die)
Short-term Effect: Upon leaving the room, that step of the quest will complete, displaying "Completed: Leave (Let Helane Die)". At this point, you can't go back into the room to administer the antidote (or watch Helane die). Lerisa will be pleased, telling you that the people sailing the waters will be glad to hear Helane's dead.

Longterm Effects: Unknown

Tormented Souls (Betnihk)

Context: After obtaining the ancient orc war horn, the ghost of Warchief Targoth asks you to put it in it's rightful place at his tomb in order to release the spirits of the orcs who are chained to the place.

Choice 1: Place the War Horn on Targoth's Tomb.
Short-term Effect: Targoth thanks you, and the orc spirits can finally rest.

Choice 2: Leave with the Horn
Short-term Effect: Unknown.

Longterm Effects: Unknown.

Daughter of Seamount (Betnihk)

Context: Lokra is an orc who wants to adventure, but is being pushed into an arranged marriage with the war chief from another clan. After talking to the appropriate people, you'll be tasked with going back to Lokra and advising her on a course of action.

Choice 1: "Your marriage is vital to your clan. There is honor in doing your duty."
Short-term Effect: Unknown.

Choice 2: "Your life is your own. Sail with us and see the world, if that's what you want."
Short-term Effect: Lokra is thrilled, and decides to join Captain Kaleen's crew. She promises to first tell her family, rather than just slip away in the night.

Longterm Effects: Unknown.

Carzog's Demise (Betnihk)

Context: After obtaining the relic, Kaleen's ship splits into two factions. Kaleen's group wants to keep the relic, believing it can protect the Daggerfall Covenant. Lambur's party believes that it's too dangerous, having killed and enslaved the souls of numerous orcs and raised Orsinium in the past. Both groups offer compelling arguments.

Choice 1: Keep the relic.
Short-term Effect: Unknown.

Choice 2: Banish the relic into the spirit realm.
Short-term Effect: Kaleen's group is furious with you, and Kaleen removes you from her crew. Lambur's people are relieved. Chief Tazgul is thrilled, and agrees to join the Covenant.

Tazgul orders Kaleen to offer you passage to Daggerfall, while the crew will offer their opinions on the matter. Some are furious with you, some are furious with Kaleen, and others seem fairly apathetic, many going their own ways.

Longterm Effects: Unknown.

Legacy of Baelborne Rock (Glenumbra)

Context: Athel Baelborne has inhereted some land, but it is cursed by the former lover of his father. His grandmother didn't want his father with a servant girl, Claudie. His father lied about their relationship, and so the servant girl and their unborn child were locked away to die in a tower, and the servant girl cursed both the family and the property with misfortune.
Claudie made a pact with a daedra to curse the Baelborne family and to "save" their son, the son being saved by being made a slave to the daedra.

Choice 1: Break the Curse.
Short-term Effects: After defeating the daedra, Claudie's spirit will lament her son's fate. However, upon reaching the towel, you'll find her son freed of the daedra and optimistic about the future. Athel meanwhile pledges to turn over a new leaf for the Baelbornes and not be a brutal coward like his ancestors, starting by sparing Claudie's son rather than tie up that loose end.

Choice 2: Tell Athel Baelborne to leave.
Short-term Effects: Unknown.

Longterm Effects: Unknown.

A Mysterious Curio (Glenumbra)

– First Choice's Short-term Results
Context: An Ayleid spirit has been trapped for years after opposing the Alessians. Upon freeing him, you're given two options.

Choice 1: "You should pass on to Aetherius. The time of the Ayleids is over."
Short-term Effects: Unknown.

Choice 2: "Seeing how the world has changed might interest you."
Short-term Effects: The Ayleid Ghost says truer words have never been spoke and thanks you for setting him free, but warns you that "not everything you meet in ancient catacombs shall be as cordial as I" and awards you with 116 gold.

Longterm Effects: Unknown.

Revenge Against Rama (Stormhaven)

Context: Rama provoked the goblins into attacking, which resulted in numerous deaths when they took over the city, and then fled when it came time for justice. It's hinted by a nearby book that he may have obtained a Daedric sword that corrupted his mind. His cousin gives you two options, the second one involving taking the fake sword and lying to Watch Captain Ernard about having killed Rama.

Choice 1: Confront Rama.
Short-term Effects: You will have to fight and defeat Rama. His cousin says he'll miss Rama, and Watch Captain Ernard will express sadness that it had to come down to that.

Choice 2: Collect Rama's sword.
Short-term Effects: Unknown.

Longterm Effects: Unknown.

Under Siege (Rivenspire)

Context: At the end of the quest, your companion Heloise is clearly turning into a vampire, having already killed some innocent people without knowing it. She begs for you to spare her.

Choice 1: "No, I can't let you go. You have to die."
Short-term Effect: Heloise will agree that it's the safest way and ingest poison, instantly killing herself.

Choice 2: "All right. I'll let you go."
Short-term Effect: Heloise will promise to control herself and live in the wilderness off animals. She hops up and runs off before disappearing.

Longterm Effects: If you spare Heloise, she can later be found in Count Verandis Ravenwatch 's castle, where she claims he's helped rehabilitate her.

The Blood-Splattered Shield (Rivenspire)

Context: Captain Janeve, the Countess's sister, was bitten by a vampire and will turn into one. She begs to be spared.

Choice 1: "I agree with the Countess. We can't take the chance. You have to die."
Short-term Effect: Unknown

Choice 2: "I agree with the Captain. You deserve a chance to prove yourself. We should let you live."
Short-term Effect: The Countess berates you, saying that she might not be able to accept "this vampire" as Janeve, but agrees to spare her for now.

Longterm Effects: Unknown

"It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!

(In)Complete List of Quest Choice Results (Major, major spoilers!) (2024)


What should I tell Lokra to do? ›

Tell her to follow her heart. The mother is found in the chief's chambers, she says her daughter has spirit, I'll give her that. She knows her duty and she would rather have her be miserable and alive than dead on some fool adventure. Lokra must accept her part and perform her duty, remind her of that.

Can you save both gahar and unsulag? ›

Unsulag and Gahar are in the Icebox, each in their own ice prison. To unlock one orc from their prison, you must sacrifice the other.

Who should I give the fangs of Sithis to? ›

You must choose to give Fangs to Looks-Under-Rocks or Sharava (Shadowscales). Sharava has the following dialogue during the quest: "Stop! You have no idea what you're doing.

Who should I give the Aphrens sword to? ›

He will mend back the sword and ask you to consider giving it to his daughter Mira (to make amends). At this point you can choose to give the sword back to Pamarc, or you can give it to Mira, who is waiting in another room inside the same crypt.

What should you do with the vengeful eye in ESO? ›

There are three choices:
  1. If you decide to return the Eye to Orsinium, return to Dagarha and speak with her. ...
  2. If you destroy the Eye, Kyrtos will be grateful: ...
  3. On the other hand, if you decide to take the Eye to the Shrine of Malacath, Malacath will speak to you through the statue, congratulating you:
Apr 6, 2024

How to find sholg eso? ›

Speak with Glurala the Wise next to Stonetooth wayshrine and then go find Hearth-Wife Sholg inside of Stonetooth Fortress.

What does Festus Krex give you? ›

The quest is completed by reporting back to Festus Krex. Aside from giving payment to the Dragonborn, he also gives the Nightweaver's Band if the optional objective (hiding The Gourmet's body) is also completed.

Who do I give Kahvozein's Fang to? ›

Once the Dragonborn's Alteration skill reaches 90, Tolfdir can be asked if there is anything else he can teach about Alteration. This will start the "Alteration Ritual Spell" quest. Tolfdir will ask for dragon heartscales to be brought to him. Kahvozein's Fang is the only weapon that can get them.

Can you get the blade of woe if you destroy the dark brotherhood? ›

Acquisition. It can be obtained as a reward upon completion of the quest "Death Incarnate." Alternatively, it can be obtained by defeating Astrid in the Abandoned Shack and looting it off her body, hence failing the quest "With Friends Like These..." and starting "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood!."

Who do I give Balgruuf's greatsword to? ›

He is Proventus Avenicci. There is a dialog option where you hand the sword to him, and you get 20 gold.

Who to give Hjalti's sword? ›

Once you have Hjalti's Sword return to Old Hroldan Inn and present the sword to the ghost. He will be most honored to become your 'sworn brother' after hundreds of years and reward you with a few lessons from the sword masters of Alcaire: a one-point bonus to your One-handed and Block skills.

How do you get the Goldbrand sword? ›

Goldbrand can be acquired from completing the Boethiah's Shrine quest "Boethiah's Quest." It is possibly one of most powerful weapons in the gamе when its enchantment is charged.

Can I save Arnbjorn? ›

You will find Arnbjorn in his werewolf form fighting Penitus Oculatus agents. You can try to help him, but his death is scripted and he will die even if you kill the agents around him. There is no way for you to save him.

What does the Ichor of Sithis do? ›

The Ichor of Sithis represents the god of the Dark Brotherhood, Sithis. It is a purchaseable item for Deepscorn Hollow, and is required to activate the Shrine of Sithis inside. To activate the shrine, just pour the potion into it.

Who can you save from the Dark Brotherhood? ›

Save Arnbjorn, Veezara, Festus Krex and Gabirella. Gain Arnbjorn and Veezara as followers once they've moved to the Dawnstar sanctuary. Changed dialogue to reflect changes added by the mod (e.g. Nazir won't say something such as: "Everyone is dead.")

What does hail Sithis mean in Skyrim? ›

I think it's like this: The guards have a strong suspicision (practically considering it a certainty) that you're of the Dark Brotherhood, so they say "hail Sithis" to get in your good graces, though they don't actually mean it...


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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.