Why did God Create the Forbidden Fruit? Meaning of Genesis 2 (2024)

If you have read anything from a Bible to a Christian coloring book, you have probably heard about when Adam and Eve ate the fatal “forbidden fruit” in the Garden of Eden, which led to the Fall of humanity.

While Scripture gives enough information to understand the basics of this story, there are certain details not given by the biblical authors that have left us with difficult, even controversial, questions—such as why God put a forbidden tree in his utopian garden in the first place, whether sin and evil existed before the Fall or not, how long our “first parents” were in the Garden before succumbing to temptation, and why God created people with the propensity to sin.

What we do know, according to Genesis 2-3, is that the trees in the Garden of Eden were planted by God himself. Eden (which means “pleasant”) was a place that was “well-watered” by an irrigation system developed by God that resulted in rivers flowing from it.

While God was the original gardener, he commissioned Adam to cultivate the Garden as animage-bearerof God. Eden was a safe place for Adam and Eve to live out their designed purpose.

In the middle of the Garden were two trees that Scripture names the “Tree of Life” and the “Tree of Knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:9). These trees hada“supernatural property” to them.

Two Trees

The “Tree of Life” produced fruit that yielded everlasting life to whoever ate from it. The fruit was so potent that after the Fall, God barred Adam and Eve from accessing it lest they end up living forever underneath the weight of their sin and shame (which was a very merciful act of God).

The “Tree of Knowledge” was similar to the rest of the trees in that its fruit was “pleasant to the sight and good for food.” While many people picture it as an apple (probably because of the namesake lump in men’s throats), we do not know what kind of fruit this tree bore.

Whatever it was, though, eating from this tree was clearly forbidden. That does not mean that the tree waspoisonous,or its fruit was toxic, however, because everything God created was “good.”

It is even possible (asRory Shiner postulates) that God would have eventually allowed them to eat this fruit when they were mature and ready to receive the wisdom it provided. Nevertheless, it was forbidden at that time.

Why did God prohibit Adam and Eve from eating from the Tree of Knowledge? Because he knew that it would destroy their innocence and purity, introduce shame and guilt, and bring death into their lives. God told Adam that if he ate from it, he would “surely die.”

Because of this, Adam knew that obeying God was good and disobeying him was bad, but he had no real, experiential understanding about death because he had never seen it. All he knew so far was life and goodness.

Then enters the sly serpent that was possessed by or at least motivated by Satan himself. John calls him the “great dragon... that ancient serpent… the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world” (Revelation 12:9).

But the serpent did not force Eve to take the fruit. He simply twisted the truth, beautified sin, and left out the horror, pain, shame, and death that would come with their disobedience.

After afamiliar progression of events, the serpent’s temptation led Eve to eat the fruit and give a bite to Adam who was passively watching alongside her. As a result of this first meal in the Bible, they were aware of their nakedness, filled with shame, cursed with difficulties, and kicked out of the Garden.

Their disobedience caused a ripple effect ofsin and deaththat stretched beyond themselves to all of humanity across all of time. There are many lessons to learn from different aspects of this story, but the best understanding of the “forbidden fruit” is in one word: choice.

Given the Choice

According to his omniscience and sovereignty, God caused the Tree of Knowledge to grow in paradise, and he made acovenantwith Adam and Eve to refrain from eating from it so they would have a choice between receiving the eternal blessings that come through obedience and worship to a gracious God or the consequences from disobedience and idolatry against a just God.

The tree represented the choice between submitting to Gods law or pursuing “moral autonomy.” That is why the serpent said, “You shall be as gods...”

Ironically, God had already made Adam and Eve as close to “gods” as any humans have ever been. He created them “in his image,” positioned them together in complete harmony, breathed into them his own breath, empowered them with dominion over all of creation, gave them the responsibility to care for the plants and animals, blessed them with the ability of procreation, and provided them with everything they would need to survive and thrive, such as the perfect food (fruit), which requires no harvesting, milling, mixing, kneading, processing, or cooking in order to eat it—you just pluck and eat.

When you do, it does not even harm the tree. More than that, God gave Adam and Eve the opportunity of eternal life in paradise.

Instead of embracing their destiny to rule creation in joy, freedom, and life, they sadly chose their own path to pain, enslavement, and death. God gave them aninvitationto fully satisfy their desires, yet they ignored it and chose dissatisfaction and a diminishing life instead.

And as representatives for mankind, their consequences affected (and are still affecting) all of humanity. One author described this as a “catastrophic bite”that doomed them and their children.


How Natural Disasters and Current Events Relate to Biblical End-Times Prophecies

All of the problems in humanity (such as the unfulfilling nature of work, pain in childbirth, tensions in marriage, and death itself) can be traced back to that “simple crunch.” Paul explained in Romans 1:18-21,

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness... although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.

The effect of Adam and Eve’s disobedience was so far-reaching that it has snow-balled throughout human history into all manner of destructive sin and death.

However, at this seemingly hopeless point in Adam and Eve’s story, we catch our first glimpse of the gospel (known as the Protoevangelium”). God promises that because of the serpent’s lies, the offspring of Eve will one day “bruise” his head (Genesis 3:15). Despite mankind’s sin, God set a plan in motion to “help those who are being tempted” (Hebrews 2:18).

That is why centuries later a second or “last” Adam (according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15) would come onto the scene who would not give in to the temptation of the serpent (Matthew 4) or choose disobedience (Hebrews 5:8), but would obediently and humbly take on the penalty of our sins and destroy the works of the devil so that we might be rescued from death, reunited with our Creator, redeemed from our sin, and returned back into the kind of paradise that God wants for us (Philippians 2:5–11; Matthew 12:29; Mark 1:24; Revelation 2:7, 22).

Adam gave us death, which has been “reigning” over humanity. Jesus offers us eternal life, justification, and an “abundance of grace” (Romans 5:14).

What Will You Choose?

But remember—the forbidden fruit shows us that we, as humans, can choose to respond to God’s goodness by siding with him and turning from our sin instead of following our fallen nature to rebel against God and choose sin.

In fact, the “riches” of God’s kindness, restraint, and patience is simply meant to lead us to repentance (Romans 2:4). Paul goes on to explain that:

[God] will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury. There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek, but glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good, the Jew first and also the Greek. For God shows no partiality(Romans 2:2-11).

What about you? Will you seek fulfillment through God who promises his love, goodness, joy, power, and truth, or will you seek fulfillment elsewhere, which only promises unhappiness, disappointment, and ultimately death.

Which will you choose?

For further reading:

Did Evil Exist Before Adam and Eve Sinned?

If God Knew That Adam and Eve Would Sin, Then Why Did He Create Them?

How Are We Created in the Image of God?

What Does it Mean ‘The Wages of Sin Is Death’?

The Forbidden Fruit

What Was “The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” For?

History’s Most Misunderstood Tree

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/lchumpitaz

Why did God Create the Forbidden Fruit? Meaning of Genesis 2 (3)Robert Hampshireis a pastor, teacher, writer, and leader. He has been married to Rebecca since 2008 and has three children, Brooklyn, Bryson, and Abram. Robert attended North Greenville University in South Carolina for his undergraduate and Liberty University in Virginia for his Masters. He has served in a variety of roles as a worship pastor, youth pastor, family pastor, church planter, and now Pastor of Worship and Discipleship at Cheraw First Baptist Church in South Carolina. He furthers his ministry through his blog site, Faithful Thinking, and hisYouTube channel. His life goal is to serve God and His Church by reaching the lost with the gospel, making devoted disciples, equipping and empowering others to go further in their faith and calling, and leading a culture of multiplication for the glory of God. Find out more about him here.

Why did God Create the Forbidden Fruit? Meaning of Genesis 2 (2024)


What was the purpose of the forbidden fruit? ›

Biblical story

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. Desiring this knowledge, the woman eats the forbidden fruit and gives some to the man, who also eats it.

What is the hidden meaning of the forbidden fruit in the Bible? ›

The term “forbidden fruit” is a metaphor for anything that is desired but not moral, legal or permissible to indulge in.

What does your forbidden fruit mean? ›

noun. : an immoral or illegal pleasure.

Why did God forbid the tree of knowledge? ›

Muslims believe that when God created Adam and Eve, he told them that they could enjoy everything in the Garden except this tree and so Satan appeared to them, telling them the only reason God forbade them to eat from the tree was that they would become angels or immortal.

Why do we want the forbidden fruit? ›

Finally, it could be argued that the Forbidden Fruit Effect reflects our basic human desire for autonomy and self-expression. Whatever the reason, one thing is clear: we want what we cannot have because it feels good, at least at the moment.

What are the benefits of forbidden fruit? ›

Forbidden Fruit is great for those seeking both physical and mental relief. It relieves migraines, pain, muscle spasms, stress, appetite loss, insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

What does the fruit symbolize in the Bible? ›

The fruit symbolized God's right to decide what was 'good' and 'bad', and represented his sovereignty over all intelligent creation. Endowing these creations (angels as well as humankind) with free will was an extraordinary act of love and generosity, imparting dignity, purpose, and (limited) independence to all.

What is an example of a forbidden fruit? ›

Idioms and Phrases

Unlawful pleasure or enjoyment; illicit love. For example, After Mary moved in with John, Tom began courting her—forbidden fruit is sweet, I guess , or Smoking behind the woodshed, that's a case of forbidden fruit .

What is the other meaning of forbidden fruit? ›

Definitions of forbidden fruit. originally an apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden; it is now used to refer to anything that is tempting but dangerous (as sexuality) type of: enticement, temptation. something that seduces or has the quality to seduce.

What is the forbidden fruit always? ›

forbidden fruit is the sweetest.

What does the Bible say about the forbidden fruit? ›

but God did say, `You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die. '" "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

What is the curse of the forbidden fruit? ›

Central to the story, too, is the “forbidden fruit.” Harvested from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, God expressly forbids Adam and Eve from eating it. So, of course, they devour it. Their taboo snack results in a curse plaguing humanity with toil, disease, and death.

What does the fruit of the tree of life represent? ›

“The fruit on the tree is a symbol for the blessings of [Jesus Christ's] Atonement. Partaking of the fruit of the tree represents the receiving of ordinances and covenants whereby the Atonement can become fully efficacious in our lives” (David A.

Do Adam and Eve go to heaven? ›

There's no place in the Bible that says they were saved. But there is no place in the Bible that indicates the couple was lost, either.

Did God know Eve would sin? ›

So how in the world, I ask in all sincerity, can you be a Christian yet believe your God is limited in any way? Yes, God knew Adam and Eve would sin before he created them. Isaiah quoted a statement from the Lord to show us: “I am God, and there is none like me.

What is the significance of fruit in the Bible? ›

A majority of the references to “fruit” in the Bible are meant figuratively, referring to the results of something, like “fruits of your labor.” One such mention can be seen in Matthew 13:23: “But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it.

What is the forbidden fruit theory? ›

Forbidden-fruit theory (Bushman & Stack, 1996) encompasses commodity theory that holds that the more a commodity is perceived to be unavailable or not easily obtainable, the more it is valued compared to a commodity that is freely and easily obtainable.

What does the apple symbolize in the Bible? ›

The unnamed fruit of Eden thus became an apple under the influence of the story of the golden apples in the Garden of Hesperides. As a result, the apple became a symbol for knowledge, immortality, temptation, the fall of man and sin.


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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.