Vet Scalecaller Peak minimum requirements (2024)

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I'm curious to know what others believe the minimum requirements are to complete scalecaller peak in veteran.

Vet: cpxxx

Vet HM: cpxxx

What would be the minimum dps requirements to complete either dungeon as well? I believe knowing the mechanics is extremely important for this dungeon.


  • DirkRavenclaw


    You have to be cp300 for vet scalecaller minimum, and then is it bloody hard

    Council Member of AtWritsEnd, Member of LoneWolfeHelp, Donor of GhostSeaTradingCO., Factor of EastEmpireTradingCO.,HonourGuard of ´DominionImperialGuard(DIG/PVP)

    Master Crafter including Jewelry, i craft for Mats and Donation, always happy to help, if Im not in the Middle of PVP, i play since around 14 Months




  • Sparr0w


    MooseKnuckles88 wrote: »

    I'm curious to know what others believe the minimum requirements are to complete scalecaller peak in veteran.

    Vet: cpxxx

    Vet HM: cpxxx

    What would be the minimum dps requirements to complete either dungeon as well? I believe knowing the mechanics is extremely important for this dungeon.

    I've run it with:

    • CP300 Mag sorc, 12k dps
    • CP380 Stam blade, 14k dps
    • CP320 Sorc healer
    • CP400 NB Tank

    Took less than an hour.

    Think the min requirements to enter are CP300 now, hardmode you could probably do at CP300 tbh, it's just mechs.

    @Sparr0w so I get the notification

    Xbox (EU) - l Sparrow x | CP 810+

    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc | NB | Warden | Necro
    Tank: NB | DK | Warden
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH

    PC (EU) - Sparrxw | CP 810+

    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc
    Tank: DK | NB
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH + GS




  • LadyNalcarya


    Well, first of all, cp rank doesnt matter much these days, thanks to dolmen grinds and cp events. People feel forced to grind them and because of that we have many cp750 players that are absolutely clueless and incapable of clearing dlc dungeons and trials.
    You just need a coordinated group (ts, discord,console voice chat), make sure everyone knows the mechanics (at least check this guide, watching videos might also be helpful). Cp300+ is a good starting point for vet dlc content, since at this rank you have the same stats as cp750 (mag, stam hp) and you have enough points to invest in important passives.
    As for dps, I'd say its doable with 25k+. This can be achieved as a cp300 with purple gear and golden weapons.

    Hardmode in this dungeon is actually pretty difficult and very mechanic-heavy. Everyone should have some sort of heal or shield and you must be confident with non-hm before you try it (otherwise everyone just dies to mechanics, even if they are cp 750+). Those mechanics cant be cheesed and will kill you even if you're a dk with magma armor.

    Edited by LadyNalcarya on July 25, 2018 12:37PM

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason





  • madchuska83


    I'd recommend 20k dps, 25k for HM. Can it be done with less? Yes, if the mechanics are known and you don't mind spending an hour or more in the dungeon.




  • Hulda


    As soon as you can kill all 3 statues and deal with adds fast enough on HM it's doable. But with more DPS it gets easier as there's less room to make mistakes. I wouldn't go HM with DD's that can't pull 30k solo. Honestly people who can't manage to get good DPS on dummy can't mostly (not all time but mostly) deal with mechanics there too.

    Edited by Hulda on July 25, 2018 12:27PM




  • huschdeguddzje


    I did it with a cp 400 stamblade a 280 stamplar a 600 dk tank and a 312 templar healer, that was before getting my maelstrom bow. Took us about 45 min, with the only wipe at the two ogres



  • Merlin13KAGL


    It's mechanics, awareness, and group communication more than CP's.

    Lowest I've been in there was 226 as a NB Tank. We did regular Vet clear, not HM, but my point is it's doable.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.

    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS




  • Palefang


    I have no idea of the requirements in CP... because CP themselves don't mean much. I've very good players at CP400 and very bad at CP700.

    This dungeon is a bit tricky when talking about DPS.

    Orzun and Rinaerus are easier if you have a better DPS, but mechanics are THE very important thing.
    The lowest DPS I've seen doing those two boss was 45k effective DPS for the whole team.

    Doylemish Ironheart is more about burst the "Laserballs" and AoE the adds than raw steady DPS. With the adds, hard to know group DPS on the boss only, so I have no indicator for you... Only thing : worst group I've completed him had a 25k and a 34k DPS guys (on test dunmy).

    Matriarch Aldis is the one that care most about DPS if you want to skip its adds. (And it is doable). So far, we've always had 2 or 3 adds spawn and burst the boss. On this one, your DPS should be close to the dps you do on test dunmy, even higher thanks to group support. I'd say 30k for both DPS should be an easy pass. I don't know for lower.

    Plague Concoctor Mortieu Okay... You don't care about dps, you will eventually kill him in the end. Just focus on mechanics, and dps adds. Tank is the VIP in this fight (even more than on Aldis). Don't do mistakes, the fight might be long.

    Zaan the Scalecaller is a trick. Up until know, you had to burst down bosses to lower the number of adds / phases / mechanics. But, if you don't have 2x 35k+ dps, don't even think of skipping her sheningans. This fight is NOT about bursting, but about making her phase at the right moment. So, you have to adapt your dps.
    In non-HM, it should be quite easy. Just take care about her one-shot mechanic and learn when it can happen or not.
    In HM, timing when she phases is very important, to focus and kills ice-adds, then protect yourself, then focus the 2 *** adds. This means huge coordination and some burst.

    About tanking... I did the non-HM with a CP400 tank whose gear wasn't optimized. And I tanked it with a CP700+ with blue gear. We did it multiple time HM with a real 500+ optimized tank.

    About healing... Cannot say for sure, but I completed it 2 times with a CP600 Khajiit healer.

    All in all, I'd say that 30k dps is way more than OK to do it. Just notice that this dungeon is about mechanics, and that those mechanics are really, really punitive if you don't care. Thus, there should be a cap around CP300-400 after which it is easier to complete it and struggle less. Vet-HM is about coordination, strategy and learning. (I tried it 30+ times when it was out before we could pass. And since then, it's a piece of cake.)

    Edited by Palefang on July 25, 2018 12:47PM

    Palefang, playing since the Beta, huge fan of Elder Scrolls world.

    Palefang - Bosmer 'Smiling Dagger' Stamblade
    Palefang Dawn - Breton 'Unyielding Light' Magplar
    Palefang, the Blood-cursed - Dunmer 'Nightstalker' Magblade
    Palefang, Smiling-at-Death - Skeleton 'Refusing to Die' TankDK
    Palefang Windwalker - Bosmer 'Y'ffre's Arrow' Stamden
    Does-not-say-his-name - Khajiit 'Self Sutaining' Stamsorc
    Mythos of Dawn - High Elf 'Clumsy' Magsorc
    Max CP



  • MooseKnuckles88


    I'm just curious, I'm cp440 warden and I average 24k dps on target dummy without spell power pots (which is not anything to boast about). Zaan's helm and shoulders should make a big dps difference.



  • Palefang


    MooseKnuckles88 wrote: »

    I'm just curious, I'm cp440 warden and I average 24k dps on target dummy without spell power pots (which is not anything to boast about). Zaan's helm and shoulders should make a big dps difference.

    Well... On my Dunmer Magicka Nightblade, Zaan is about 2k5 dps. My weave isn't perfect, but on a full fight I manage about 1 light attack every 1.4 seconds.
    So, if you weave neatly, yes, Zaan can be something like +8% boost to your dps.


    Notice that Zaan is efficient only if you can stay close to your target. Its range will be shorter starting the next patch. So, if you need to move a lot during a fight, Zaan isn't a good call at all. Also, if you don't weave well, Zaan will be a waste.
    It's very dependant to the content you try to do.

    Palefang, playing since the Beta, huge fan of Elder Scrolls world.

    Palefang - Bosmer 'Smiling Dagger' Stamblade
    Palefang Dawn - Breton 'Unyielding Light' Magplar
    Palefang, the Blood-cursed - Dunmer 'Nightstalker' Magblade
    Palefang, Smiling-at-Death - Skeleton 'Refusing to Die' TankDK
    Palefang Windwalker - Bosmer 'Y'ffre's Arrow' Stamden
    Does-not-say-his-name - Khajiit 'Self Sutaining' Stamsorc
    Mythos of Dawn - High Elf 'Clumsy' Magsorc
    Max CP



  • Huyen


    Palefang wrote: »

    I have no idea of the requirements in CP... because CP themselves don't mean much. I've very good players at CP400 and very bad at CP700.

    This dungeon is a bit tricky when talking about DPS.

    Orzun and Rinaerus are easier if you have a better DPS, but mechanics are THE very important thing.
    The lowest DPS I've seen doing those two boss was 45k effective DPS for the whole team.

    Doylemish Ironheart is more about burst the "Laserballs" and AoE the adds than raw steady DPS. With the adds, hard to know group DPS on the boss only, so I have no indicator for you... Only thing : worst group I've completed him had a 25k and a 34k DPS guys (on test dunmy).

    Matriarch Aldis is the one that care most about DPS if you want to skip its adds. (And it is doable). So far, we've always had 2 or 3 adds spawn and burst the boss. On this one, your DPS should be close to the dps you do on test dunmy, even higher thanks to group support. I'd say 30k for both DPS should be an easy pass. I don't know for lower.

    Plague Concoctor Mortieu Okay... You don't care about dps, you will eventually kill him in the end. Just focus on mechanics, and dps adds. Tank is the VIP in this fight (even more than on Aldis). Don't do mistakes, the fight might be long.

    Zaan the Scalecaller is a trick. Up until know, you had to burst down bosses to lower the number of adds / phases / mechanics. But, if you don't have 2x 35k+ dps, don't even think of skipping her sheningans. This fight is NOT about bursting, but about making her phase at the right moment. So, you have to adapt your dps.
    In non-HM, it should be quite easy. Just take care about her one-shot mechanic and learn when it can happen or not.
    In HM, timing when she phases is very important, to focus and kills ice-adds, then protect yourself, then focus the 2 *** adds. This means huge coordination and some burst.

    About tanking... I did the non-HM with a CP400 tank whose gear wasn't optimized. And I tanked it with a CP700+ with blue gear. We did it multiple time HM with a real 500+ optimized tank.

    About healing... Cannot say for sure, but I completed it 2 times with a CP600 Khajiit healer.

    All in all, I'd say that 30k dps is way more than OK to do it. Just notice that this dungeon is about mechanics, and that those mechanics are really, really punitive if you don't care. Thus, there should be a cap around CP300-400 after which it is easier to complete it and struggle less. Vet-HM is about coordination, strategy and learning. (I tried it 30+ times when it was out before we could pass. And since then, it's a piece of cake.)

    At the plaguedoctor I was told as tank I didnt follow tactics while the dps didnt do anything about the adds, so the healer had a hard time. With dlc dungeons low cp isnt the issue, its the difficulty spike that is the real dealbreaker.

    Huyen Shadowpaw, dedicated nightblade tank - PS4 (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, nightblade dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Lightpaw, templar healer - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, necromancer dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, dragonknight (no defined role yet)

    "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again. Only this time, more wisely" - Uncle Iroh



  • Elwendryll


    Sparr0w wrote: »

    MooseKnuckles88 wrote: »

    I'm curious to know what others believe the minimum requirements are to complete scalecaller peak in veteran.

    Vet: cpxxx

    Vet HM: cpxxx

    What would be the minimum dps requirements to complete either dungeon as well? I believe knowing the mechanics is extremely important for this dungeon.

    I've run it with:

    • CP300 Mag sorc, 12k dps
    • CP380 Stam blade, 14k dps
    • CP320 Sorc healer
    • CP400 NB Tank

    Took less than an hour.

    Think the min requirements to enter are CP300 now, hardmode you could probably do at CP300 tbh, it's just mechs.


    PC - EU - France - AD
    Main character: Qojikrin - Khajiit Sorcerer Tank/Stamina DD - since March 25, 2015.
    Guildmaster of Oriflamme: Focus on 4 player endgame content.
    Member of Brave Cat Trade, Panda Division and Toadhuggers.

    All 4-man trifectas - TTT, IR, GH



  • LadyNalcarya


    Huyen wrote: »

    Palefang wrote: »

    I have no idea of the requirements in CP... because CP themselves don't mean much. I've very good players at CP400 and very bad at CP700.

    This dungeon is a bit tricky when talking about DPS.

    Orzun and Rinaerus are easier if you have a better DPS, but mechanics are THE very important thing.
    The lowest DPS I've seen doing those two boss was 45k effective DPS for the whole team.

    Doylemish Ironheart is more about burst the "Laserballs" and AoE the adds than raw steady DPS. With the adds, hard to know group DPS on the boss only, so I have no indicator for you... Only thing : worst group I've completed him had a 25k and a 34k DPS guys (on test dunmy).

    Matriarch Aldis is the one that care most about DPS if you want to skip its adds. (And it is doable). So far, we've always had 2 or 3 adds spawn and burst the boss. On this one, your DPS should be close to the dps you do on test dunmy, even higher thanks to group support. I'd say 30k for both DPS should be an easy pass. I don't know for lower.

    Plague Concoctor Mortieu Okay... You don't care about dps, you will eventually kill him in the end. Just focus on mechanics, and dps adds. Tank is the VIP in this fight (even more than on Aldis). Don't do mistakes, the fight might be long.

    Zaan the Scalecaller is a trick. Up until know, you had to burst down bosses to lower the number of adds / phases / mechanics. But, if you don't have 2x 35k+ dps, don't even think of skipping her sheningans. This fight is NOT about bursting, but about making her phase at the right moment. So, you have to adapt your dps.
    In non-HM, it should be quite easy. Just take care about her one-shot mechanic and learn when it can happen or not.
    In HM, timing when she phases is very important, to focus and kills ice-adds, then protect yourself, then focus the 2 *** adds. This means huge coordination and some burst.

    About tanking... I did the non-HM with a CP400 tank whose gear wasn't optimized. And I tanked it with a CP700+ with blue gear. We did it multiple time HM with a real 500+ optimized tank.

    About healing... Cannot say for sure, but I completed it 2 times with a CP600 Khajiit healer.

    All in all, I'd say that 30k dps is way more than OK to do it. Just notice that this dungeon is about mechanics, and that those mechanics are really, really punitive if you don't care. Thus, there should be a cap around CP300-400 after which it is easier to complete it and struggle less. Vet-HM is about coordination, strategy and learning. (I tried it 30+ times when it was out before we could pass. And since then, it's a piece of cake.)

    At the plaguedoctor I was told as tank I didnt follow tactics while the dps didnt do anything about the adds, so the healer had a hard time. With dlc dungeons low cp isnt the issue, its the difficulty spike that is the real dealbreaker.

    Ignoring adds is a bad idea. It just makes the fight harder for no good reason (this boss has too much hp to burst him for average players).

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason





  • Dubhliam


    As with other DLC dungeons, I would recommend a minimum of 25k DPS.

    CP is irrelevant.
    People suggest CP300+ because that is where you max out your resource pools.

    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<




  • MJallday


    i did it for the first time at cp 400.

    im cp750 these days and run it for fun these days with my farm group. - we got everything except HM - but we've only had 1 real bash at it




  • Sparr0w


    Elwendryll wrote: »

    Sparr0w wrote: »

    MooseKnuckles88 wrote: »

    I'm curious to know what others believe the minimum requirements are to complete scalecaller peak in veteran.

    Vet: cpxxx

    Vet HM: cpxxx

    What would be the minimum dps requirements to complete either dungeon as well? I believe knowing the mechanics is extremely important for this dungeon.

    I've run it with:

    • CP300 Mag sorc, 12k dps
    • CP380 Stam blade, 14k dps
    • CP320 Sorc healer
    • CP400 NB Tank

    Took less than an hour.

    Think the min requirements to enter are CP300 now, hardmode you could probably do at CP300 tbh, it's just mechs.


    Yeh, just the lowest group I've gone thru there with (I was the tank), I'd say HM push 45k group DPS as mechs can be hard to follow unless you're an organised group so quicker = better.

    Edited by Sparr0w on July 25, 2018 2:39PM

    @Sparr0w so I get the notification

    Xbox (EU) - l Sparrow x | CP 810+

    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc | NB | Warden | Necro
    Tank: NB | DK | Warden
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH

    PC (EU) - Sparrxw | CP 810+

    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc
    Tank: DK | NB
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH + GS



  • Sparr0w


    Low dps:

    First bosses keep seperate. 1 dd with crushing shock to interrupt the middle boss. Burn the one that wanders to 10% then focus the other one until it's dead, by this time the first boss will be low enough to execute (since the tank will still be doing damage to it).

    Second boss, do 1 gargoyle at a time. Keep the main boss in the middle of the room so DD's can circle around it while doing damage. Focus the ads as they spawn as they will pile up, if a group member gets fossilised bash the boss first and wait for the ball to focus someone else before freeing (so you don't get frozen mid freeing them).

    Third boss, will spawn in ads every 10% so don't ultimate him. Ignore the boss as soon as the ads spawn in to focus them, save your ultimates until the boss is at 30%~ then just focus on burning.

    Fourth boss, will poison the room and you have to kill certain ads to form an antidote. Save ultimates until you get the antidote so you can nuke the boss & the ad that comes in at the same time (heavy attacks hit for 70k+). Ignore the boss until all other ads in the room are dead (as they pile up quick).

    Last boss, mechs mechs mechs. Ensure each DD knows which statue they are targeting or you'll wipe. Keep the boss taunted near the statues so you can get out of the poison cone quickly. Kite the fire mech away from the rest of the group (literally run back and forward until its over). When someone gets grabbed by fire the tank blocks first, then if its the tank a MagDD blocks next.

    Edited by Sparr0w on July 25, 2018 2:50PM

    @Sparr0w so I get the notification

    Xbox (EU) - l Sparrow x | CP 810+

    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc | NB | Warden | Necro
    Tank: NB | DK | Warden
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH

    PC (EU) - Sparrxw | CP 810+

    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc
    Tank: DK | NB
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH + GS




  • kylewwefan


    If your group know the mechanics well, you probably be alright with 15 to 20k. Remember, it’s different in dungeons. The groupfinder que gives a significant buff. The tank and healer give good buffs/ de-buffs. So your damage will be more.

    Even in groups with crazy high DPS, you can get somewhat punished. Like the second boss with the spheres. If you burn the boss too fast ads and sphere comes out at same time so your struggle to kill everything. Spheres come out too fast. Same with the next boss, if you choose to go that route, burning boss too fast makes nerids spawn too fast.

    With higher burn and good support, you can skip some of this stuff. Some pro techniques can be used as well to skip things.



  • MooseKnuckles88


    So it's about 65% mechs and 35% everything else in scalecaller?


    Palefang wrote: »

    MooseKnuckles88 wrote: »

    I'm just curious, I'm cp440 warden and I average 24k dps on target dummy without spell power pots (which is not anything to boast about). Zaan's helm and shoulders should make a big dps difference.

    Well... On my Dunmer Magicka Nightblade, Zaan is about 2k5 dps. My weave isn't perfect, but on a full fight I manage about 1 light attack every 1.4 seconds.
    So, if you weave neatly, yes, Zaan can be something like +8% boost to your dps.


    Notice that Zaan is efficient only if you can stay close to your target. Its range will be shorter starting the next patch. So, if you need to move a lot during a fight, Zaan isn't a good call at all. Also, if you don't weave well, Zaan will be a waste.
    It's very dependant to the content you try to do.

    I absolutely agree with what you're saying. On another note this has me wondering how people can sink +40k dps on a target dummy using zaans. In reality most dungeons and trials have people running around killing adds, synergizing, or targeting other mechs. The luxury of standing that close to a boss and not having to worry about much else is pretty rare.

    How do you like your magblade? I finally got mine to level 50 last night. I just gotta go farm the gear now. I was gonna go 5pc siroria, 5pc sorrow, 2pc zaans. I don't have the vMA staff yet.



  • Mureel


    MooseKnuckles88 wrote: »

    I'm curious to know what others believe the minimum requirements are to complete scalecaller peak in veteran.

    Vet: cpxxx

    Vet HM: cpxxx

    What would be the minimum dps requirements to complete either dungeon as well? I believe knowing the mechanics is extremely important for this dungeon.

    TO BE BLUNT: you need like 20k DPS min, if you can follow all mechanics, and have a good healer and tank.

    If you want to just get er done- you want MIN 27k DPS and no healer, and a stellar tank.

    The issue lies on 4 things:
    1st boss, tank need to self sustain and handle one of the bosses, and not die.
    2nd boss DPS need to burn boss before everyone is stoned.
    3rd boss DPS need again to stack w tank and burn her before too many adds
    4 final boss, DPS need to DPS hard enough that the mechanic ends at ice giants and therefore no poison statue dance.

    If the DPS is fine for the first 3 of 4 above, the poison boss will be no issue.

    Otherwise, you need to be mindful of all mechanics and you can get by with lower DPS and a good healer and tank.

    Edited by Mureel on July 25, 2018 3:55PM




  • Mureel


    Sparr0w wrote: »

    Low dps:

    First bosses keep seperate. 1 dd with crushing shock to interrupt the middle boss. Burn the one that wanders to 10% then focus the other one until it's dead, by this time the first boss will be low enough to execute (since the tank will still be doing damage to it).

    Second boss, do 1 gargoyle at a time. Keep the main boss in the middle of the room so DD's can circle around it while doing damage. Focus the ads as they spawn as they will pile up, if a group member gets fossilised bash the boss first and wait for the ball to focus someone else before freeing (so you don't get frozen mid freeing them).

    Third boss, will spawn in ads every 10% so don't ultimate him. Ignore the boss as soon as the ads spawn in to focus them, save your ultimates until the boss is at 30%~ then just focus on burning.

    Fourth boss, will poison the room and you have to kill certain ads to form an antidote. Save ultimates until you get the antidote so you can nuke the boss & the ad that comes in at the same time (heavy attacks hit for 70k+). Ignore the boss until all other ads in the room are dead (as they pile up quick).

    Last boss, mechs mechs mechs. Ensure each DD knows which statue they are targeting or you'll wipe. Keep the boss taunted near the statues so you can get out of the poison cone quickly. Kite the fire mech away from the rest of the group (literally run back and forward until its over). When someone gets grabbed by fire the tank blocks first, then if its the tank a MagDD blocks next.

    Really nice post! Vet Scalecaller Peak minimum requirements (23)




  • profundidob16_ESO


    LadyNalcarya wrote: »

    Huyen wrote: »

    Palefang wrote: »

    I have no idea of the requirements in CP... because CP themselves don't mean much. I've very good players at CP400 and very bad at CP700.

    This dungeon is a bit tricky when talking about DPS.

    Orzun and Rinaerus are easier if you have a better DPS, but mechanics are THE very important thing.
    The lowest DPS I've seen doing those two boss was 45k effective DPS for the whole team.

    Doylemish Ironheart is more about burst the "Laserballs" and AoE the adds than raw steady DPS. With the adds, hard to know group DPS on the boss only, so I have no indicator for you... Only thing : worst group I've completed him had a 25k and a 34k DPS guys (on test dunmy).

    Matriarch Aldis is the one that care most about DPS if you want to skip its adds. (And it is doable). So far, we've always had 2 or 3 adds spawn and burst the boss. On this one, your DPS should be close to the dps you do on test dunmy, even higher thanks to group support. I'd say 30k for both DPS should be an easy pass. I don't know for lower.

    Plague Concoctor Mortieu Okay... You don't care about dps, you will eventually kill him in the end. Just focus on mechanics, and dps adds. Tank is the VIP in this fight (even more than on Aldis). Don't do mistakes, the fight might be long.

    Zaan the Scalecaller is a trick. Up until know, you had to burst down bosses to lower the number of adds / phases / mechanics. But, if you don't have 2x 35k+ dps, don't even think of skipping her sheningans. This fight is NOT about bursting, but about making her phase at the right moment. So, you have to adapt your dps.
    In non-HM, it should be quite easy. Just take care about her one-shot mechanic and learn when it can happen or not.
    In HM, timing when she phases is very important, to focus and kills ice-adds, then protect yourself, then focus the 2 *** adds. This means huge coordination and some burst.

    About tanking... I did the non-HM with a CP400 tank whose gear wasn't optimized. And I tanked it with a CP700+ with blue gear. We did it multiple time HM with a real 500+ optimized tank.

    About healing... Cannot say for sure, but I completed it 2 times with a CP600 Khajiit healer.

    All in all, I'd say that 30k dps is way more than OK to do it. Just notice that this dungeon is about mechanics, and that those mechanics are really, really punitive if you don't care. Thus, there should be a cap around CP300-400 after which it is easier to complete it and struggle less. Vet-HM is about coordination, strategy and learning. (I tried it 30+ times when it was out before we could pass. And since then, it's a piece of cake.)

    At the plaguedoctor I was told as tank I didnt follow tactics while the dps didnt do anything about the adds, so the healer had a hard time. With dlc dungeons low cp isnt the issue, its the difficulty spike that is the real dealbreaker.

    Ignoring adds is a bad idea. It just makes the fight harder for no good reason (this boss has too much hp to burst him for average players).

    it's not just bad. it's simply asking for a wipe. The tank's stamina gets drained to zero from havinng to range taunt and retaunt the adds if he hasn't lost his stamina to the disease mechanic first. The healer's magicka then get's drained from having to overheal all the extra dmge on all group members from the adds. That is if the healer's magicka wasn't drained first by the disease mechanic. En then the ignorant dps will blame the healer or tank they die...




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Vet Scalecaller Peak minimum requirements (2024)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.